JSS Twelve Sustainable Insurance Bond with Dinesh Pawar

22. Mai 2024 | 10:15 Uhr
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Key Highlights:


  • Strategic Investment: Dive into subordinated bonds issued by reputable insurance companies, offering a pathway to robust returns.
  • Attractive Incentives: Compelling coupon payments, new issue premiums and a robust pipeline of issuance.
  • Defensive Stability: Explore the insurance sector, renowned for its resilient nature and stability:
  1. Regulatory Vigilance: Highly regulated environment ensures security and compliance.
  1. Minimal Defaults: Historically, the insurance sector boasts the lowest default rates, offering a secure investment landscape.
  1. Advantageous Structure: With premiums collected before claims, the sector enjoys a favourable business model and asset-liability structure.
  1. Solvency II Compliance: Well-capitalized institutions, meeting stringent Solvency II capital requirements.
  1. Expert Management: Benefit from the expertise of our investment managers, seamlessly blending years of experience in the insurance domain with a profound understanding of capital markets.
  • ESG Integration: Embrace Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations throughout our investment process, ensuring alignment with sustainable investment goals. Classified as Article 8 under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).